Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Hilary See, Hilary Do

or ... just trying to keep up with Kathy! I swear, someone at the Knitter's Guild recommended Monkey Socks to me before I knew everyone else in the World on the Web was making them. Not that it matters, there is not a lot of crossover between my Real Life friends and acquaintances and the knitting blog world.

It's my first picot edge, and I'm suitably charmed by it. It doesn't seem very stretchy though ... is it going to stay up on my leg? I did the whole edge on 1s and was planning on going back up to 2s for the rest of the sock, but I stayed on 1s and now I'm not sure about that. It is very dense, and I don't think I love that. (The pattern is written for 2s, and I knit tightly anyway.)

So I think I'll start the second sock and do it on 2s for comparison (instead of ripping it out and then wondering if I liked it the first way better, which is what I was about to do.) What's a project without a little angst and indecision?

These are my car knitting for the trip to Michigan. We leave Friday, so I won't be posting for a while.

Happy Fourth to those celebrating!


kathy in Juneau said...

Ooh, Hilary, it's gorgeous! Which yarn is that?

I'm making the short version like Cara did, so I figure it doesn't really have very far to stay up, if you know what I mean. Mine is kind of squishy and waffle-y, but not terribly dense.

You're going to be done before VB, you watch!!

Anonymous said...

Well, you have been very busy since school let out. I hope that it is ok that I read your blog. Reading it motivates me to pick up some knitting projects in between everything else that goes on in the Levine household! Give Auden a birthday hug from me...enjoy Michigan.

rahime said...

So pretty... I'll be watching with interest since I'm trying to decide what to do with my own Fire on the Mountain (I think I'm obsessed with that colorway...)